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Enter a title for your listing. e.g. "1972 Porsche 911 S 2.7 Martini Race Replica"

Enter a short introduction to your listing, used in your ad and on social media. e.g. "This stunning Martini replica is a real head turner, and is a great example of a 911 S 2.7. It has been fully restored and is in excellent condition."

Enter a detailed description of your listing. Include all of the information a potential buyer might look for: describe the condition, mileage, history, modifications, and anything else that might be relevant. Use the text formatting tools to make your listing stand out.



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Image of a Porsche making its way around a race track.

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Take Pole and appear on the most high-traffic areas of the website, as well as being featured prominently in our weekly newsletter. Limited places, available on a weekly basis.

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